Difference between natural organic and vegan products

Difference between natural organic and vegan products.


When it comes to decoding terms like organic, natural and cruelty-free, Like for all things, knowledge is power.if a product is certified as organic, then it will be completely free from synthetic colors, fragrance, dyes, pesticides and so on while a cosmetic product is ‘vegan’ it means it is not made of any animal by-products.

#organic #organicfood #health #vegan #skincare #beauty #care #skin #natural #love #body #resources #veganfood #veggie #safe 

#goodhealth #skinglow #eatgood #purity #eatgoodlookgood #organicbeauty #naturalbeauty #beautifulskin #ayurveda 

#ayurvedicproducts #herbal #herbalproducts


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